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« We cannot chose between economic growth & sustainability, we must have both. »

Paul Polman

À propos

About us

Time for Good !

The challenges that the world is facing cannot wait. Every new heatwave will only remind us that we are late. Not only do businesses have a responsibility to act now, it has become a business essential if they want to thrive tomorrow, and be attractive for investors, consumers, clients or employees.

4GOOD is an impact consultancy. We engage CEOs & funds managers to shift their mindset about sustainability and ESG to embrace it with ambition & courage and embed it as a performance driver in their organisation.

Our mission : sustainability & growth

Too often growth & sustainability fall into different remits and teams with conflicting agendas & objectives. The sustainability team, or often one person, works on reducing externalities on the side and disconnected from the business, while a large group of marketing & sales think of growth levers, product, services, strategies, for the future.

When a major disruption hits – and COVID has provided a real case study – the focus goes on protecting the P&L and business continuity, rightly so, and sustainability is put on hold.

4GOOD believes in one company agenda that reconciles growth, environment, social and governance, and allows to rethink the business model taking all stakeholders into consideration to create long term value, redefine performance and de-risk the business.


Impact Consultancy

Sustainability as a growth driver

From strategy to action

Impact measurement

Our approach

We work with corporates & funds, across multiple sectors from food & drinks, beauty, retail, circular economy, services & financial sector.

Our methodologies are designed to best respond to each business’ specific challenges , leveraging our experience and the expertise of our expert partners.

Our approach is underpinned by 4 convictions which support all our work. 

Our convictions


Engage teams
and stakeholders to re-think strategy



Challenge the status quo and make disruptive choices


Invent the future with new solutions


Build an ecosystem of experts, NGOs, start-ups, public sector, competitors

What they say about us ?

En savoir plus

Who we are ?


Blandine Surry, Founder & CEO

Deeply convinced of the role of companies in providing sustainable solutions to the challenges of the 21st century, both environmental and societal, and making it a lever for sustainable growth, Blandine places CSR at the heart of companies' strategy and at the service of growth and employee engagement.

She advises companies of various sizes (start-ups, SMEs and large companies) on their strategies and sustainability agenda, brand platform and internal and external communication.           


A graduate of HEC, B Leader, and expert in sustainable development, Blandine has more than 20 years of experience in large companies and start-ups, as marketing & strategy director, general manager and board director.

A movement of experts and partners to drive positive change

4GOOD leverages a network of experts, changemakers, leaders in the world of business, start-ups, finance and associations, to promote the emergence of innovative solutions, alliances and partnerships that accelerate the positive transformation of companies.




Paris, London



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